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Helping you build high-performing teams

Clu builds co-intelligence and a universal skills language across your organisation, enabling teams to identify and develop the skills that matter most to them.

Three screen grabs of the Clu product on a mobile phone
Product Image of a Project in Clu
Clu Platform

A business intelligence platform building people strategies around the skills AI can't replace.

Clu'd Up Badges
Clu'd Up

Hiring diagnostic for risk reduction and inclusion optimisation.

Product image of the Cluniverse app for job seekers

Free employability platform connecting you to the service users of 200 education providers.

Find out more about our product and services

In a rush?

for getting started with skills-based hiring

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Our proprietary AI TalentGPS™ helps TA and hiring managers ensure candidates fit the role and excel, reducing hiring risks and improving retention.


love Clu

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Sarah Brook
HR Director, EMEA

Through partnering with Clu, we can address critical talent challenges in a socially impactful way.


Ready to future-proof your workforce?

Take control of your skills strategy today with Clu—start your free trial now and see the results for yourself or speak with our specialists about your unique challenges.

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